[Via Satellite 02-04-2016] Tango Wave, a manufacturer of high-power, high-linearity outdoor unit (ODU) Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTAs) and subsystems for broadcast and data services, has moved to a new state-of-the-art design and manufacturing facility in Sunnyvale, Calif. Responding to the anticipation of future business opportunities in the high-power satcom uplink communications markets, the facility will house the company’s design, manufacturing, testing and Quality Assurance (QA) operations for its TWTA-based power amplifiers and subassemblies.
Tango Wave’s amplifier products cover Ku-, Direct-Broadcast Satellite (DBS) and Ka-band frequencies with power levels up to 1250 watts; including options for redundancy, power combining and Block Up-Converters (BUCs). Product qualification and acceptance testing is standard practice and includes temperature testing, vibration, shock and environmental stress screening. Tango Wave is committed to conducting operations and activities in a manner that protects the environment and conserves natural resources.
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