SSL Picks Arianespace to launch BSAT 4a Satellite – Satellite Today

Ariane 5 ESA Arianespace

Ariane 5 ready for launch. Photo: ESA

[Via Satellite 09-16-2015] SSL has selected Arianespace to launch the BSAT 4a satellite currently under construction for Japan’s Broadcasting Satellite System Corporation (B-SAT). The launch agreement is part of a turnkey contract between the satellite manufacturer and B-SAT. Arianespace is scheduled to launch the satellite aboard an Ariane 5 rocket in late 2017 from the Guiana Space Center in Kourou, French Guiana. The European launch provider has orbited all of B-SAT’s satellites to date.

BSAT 4a will use SSL’s 1300 platform, carrying 24 Ku-band transponders, and weighing about 3,500 kg at launch. The satellite will be positioned in Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) at 110 degrees east, and has a design life exceeding 15 years. B-SAT is using the new satellite to replace BSAT 3a. It will have the same service footprint, but will enable new 4K and 8K Ultra-HD TV services to all of Japan.

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