Orbital ATK to Supply Propellant Tanks to SSL – Satellite Today

Orbital ATK Propellant Tank

Orbital ATK-built propellant tank for SSL 1300 platform. Photo: Orbital ATK

[Via Satellite 10-30-2015] Orbital ATK has signed a five-year contract with Space Systems/Loral (SSL) to produce flight sets of propellant tanks for the SSL 1300 satellite bus. Each flight set is comprised of two propellant tanks, with each tank containing a high-performance Propellant Management Device (PMD), which PMD Technologies designs and analyzes. The PMDs are made of titanium and control the fluid during all operational scenarios, providing gas-free propellant to the satellite’s thrusters.

Orbital ATK has a 27-year relationship providing flight satellite fuel tanks through ATK, which supplied the tanks prior to the merger of its aerospace and defense divisions with Orbital Sciences early this year.

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