Boeing Mates Two All-Electric Satellites for Early 2015 Launch – Satellite Today

Boeing 702SP electric

ABS 3A and Eutelsat 115 West B satellites stacked for launch. Photo: Boeing

[Via Satellite 11-13-2014] Boeing Network and Space Systems (N&SS) has successfully mated Asia Broadcast Satellite’s ABS 3A satellite and Eutelsat’s Eutelsat 115 West B satellite in a stacked configuration for a conjoined satellite launch. The two all-electric satellites are based on Boeing’s 702 Small Platform (SP).

Boeing and Phantom Works built the 702SP platform, which emphasizes a lower mass through electric propulsion, allowing for lighter weight and/or more payload performance. According to Boeing, conjoined launches yield cost savings of up to 20 percent. SpaceX is scheduled to launch ABS 3A and Eutelsat 115 West B together on a Falcon 9 rocket in early 2015. The 702SP platform can also launch on the Ariane 5, Zenit 3SL, Proton, Soyuz, Atlas 5 and Delta 4 rockets.

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