Harris CapRock-Connected Oil and Gas Sites Closing in on 100 – Satellite Today

Harris CapRock Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Project

A Harris CapRock customer’s deepwater project in the Gulf of Mexico. Photo: Harris CapRock

[Via Satellite 10-06-2015] Harris CapRock has transitioned 36 oil and gas customers to its Advanced Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) solution, providing on-demand bandwidth service to nearly 100 sites around the world. The company first introduced the Advanced VSAT solution in 2014, deploying on Royal Caribbean Cruises’ global fleet and customer operations networks in the Gulf of Mexico. According to Harris CapRock, the solution boosted processing capacity and provided close to 20 times the information rates of a prior solution.

Harris CapRock’s Advanced VSAT dynamically reassigns satellite capacity according to need and availability in real time. The solution supports critical applications including data logging, drilling, streaming video and telemedicine.

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