July 2017

News on key developments at SupremeSAT, and general news on the Space and Satellite industry from across the web

Norwegian microsatellite deploys first-of-kind Yagi antenna – Satellite News Digest

The Norwegian Space Centre has announced successful deployment of critical antennas and probes on the NORsat-1 and NORsat-2 microsatellites built by Canada’s Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) and launched on 14 July from Kazakhstan. Most notable was deployment of a large Yagi antenna from NORsat-2 that will provide first-of-its-kind VHF Data Exchange (VDE) from space. http://www.sat-nd.com/archive/?id=2017072401

LISA Pathfinder switched off – Satellite News Digest

After 16 months of science measurements an international team deactivated the LISA Pathfinder satellite on the evening of 18 July 2017. The gravitational-wave laboratory in space powered down after receiving the last commands in the evening and circles the Sun on a safe parking orbit. http://www.sat-nd.com/archive/?id=2017072402