January 2016

News on key developments at SupremeSAT, and general news on the Space and Satellite industry from across the web

Panasonic Introduces 4D Weather – Satellite Today

4DAero EFB application built upon the Panasonic 4D Weather platform. Photo: Panasonic Weather Solutions [Via Satellite 01-06-2016] Panasonic’s weather solutions division is now operating an advanced global weather forecasting platform, called Panasonic Global 4D Weather. The weather prediction capability uses Panasonic’s atmospheric datasets, which include the continuous feed of detailed tropospheric data in four-dimensions: longitude,…

Panasonic Avionics and Kymeta to Bring Flat-Panel Antenna to Maritime Market – Satellite Today

Photo: Kymeta [Via Satellite 01-06-2016] Panasonic Avionics Corporation and Kymeta have signed an agreement to provide high-performance antenna technology to several maritime markets. Under terms of the agreement, Panasonic will order a significant volume of Kymeta’s flat-panel antennas and use Kymeta mTenna technology to manufacture and distribute maritime terminals for vessels around the world. The…

Broadcom Announces New Automotive Global Navigation Chip – Satellite Today

Photo: Broadcom [Via Satellite 01-06-2016] Broadcom Corporation announced the addition of a new Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) wireless connectivity chip to its automotive portfolio. The BCM89774 provides improved location and positioning while lowering power consumption for in-vehicle applications and reduces Bill of Materials (BOM) cost for carmakers. Automotive GPS shipments are expected to more…

SAT Corporation Expands Interference Monitoring and Geolocation Services for DOD Leased Commercial Satellite Bandwidth – Satellite Today

Monics satellite carrier monitoring system. Photo: SAT Corporation. [Via Satellite 01-06-2016] SAT Corporation, a subsidiary of Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, will provide expanded end-to-end satellite RF monitoring, interference detection, geolocation and mitigation services to the Joint Functional Component Command for Space (JFCC Space), a component of the U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM). SAT Corporation has…

SES Expands Government Services Portfolio in Canada – Satellite Today

Akulivik is an Inuit village in Nunavik, in northern Quebec, Canada. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. [Via Satellite 01-05-2016] The Kativik Regional Government in Canada has awarded SES a contract for the delivery of new satellite services across the northern Quebec region. Beginning in the second half of 2016, the 12 transponder deal on SES 2, positioned…